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Creative Impact Grant Scheme Information Session

  • Online
  • Free

Creative Central NCL is launching Round 2 of their skills grant scheme - Creative Impact : Shaping the skills and knowledge for our creative industries via an open call for ideas.

Grants of between £5,000 - £35,000 will be available to support a range of projects with a focus on ideas that can demonstrate a direct impact within Creative Central NCL (the geographical area of the project).

There are three broad strands of activity that form the focus for this open call. These are:

1. Encouraging young people (16-25) & those not currently working in, or without access to, the sector, to grow their creative potential

2. Forge connections, and share knowledge between creatives and non-creatives and our growing Creative Central NCL community

3. Build upon our built environment, public spaces, venues, places of creative work, and heritage assets to unlock real economic and social impact

This is an informal online session open to all who are interested to attend where you can:

  • Find out about the opportunity and how to apply for the grant funding
  • Ask questions of the Creative Central NCL team
  • Hear from Megan Todman, Senior Creative Producer at Helix Arts, who delivered Artists Agency Newcastle (awarded in Round 1 of the grant scheme) about their project and experience

The slides and FAQs created following this session will be made available online afterwards.




Event overview

Start Date
Event Type
Provided by
Creative Central: NCL
Registration Link
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