Business and Life Coach, Sam Hook (Uniquethinking) discusses the benefits of business coaching on leadership and growth
Sam Hook is qualified Business and Life Coach based in Newcastle upon Tyne where she runs her company, Uniquethinking.
Sam spoke to us about how business coaching can support business owners/entrepreneurs to become better leaders, and how setting goals and having accountability can stimulate business growth.
Please introduce yourself and your business, Uniquethinking
I’m Sam Hook, a Business and Confidence Coach. I provide business coaching and accountability sessions to help business owners boost their confidence and grow their businesses.
How can business coaching help entrepreneurs and business owners?
There are a few ways business owners can benefit from working with a business / life coach.
Working on your identity and self-development as a person can really impact your business in a positive way. Some qualified life coaches - myself included - are also qualified psychotherapeutic counsellors, and are able to work on the person in conjunction with working on the business. We all come from many different backgrounds, and if something is holding us back – whether that’s a difficult childhood, being bullied, lack of parental support, or role models – business coaches can work on this and develop new mindset strategies to grow the person. Your background does not define you, so it’s important to take a holistic approach, as there is quite an overlap between coaching and counselling.
Having someone impartial to talk, really listen, and see you and your potential is so beneficial. It can help a business owner to find their own answers to business issues, as well as being a soundboard for ideas.
I would say the biggest benefit is helping clients to set goals and have accountability sessions. Research shows that when you set goals and have accountability meeting, you are 95% more likely to achieve them. With odds this high, it’s no wonder so many people have business coaches.
How can business coaching support owners/entrepreneurs to become better leaders?
Business coaching helps entrepreneurs and business owners develop strong leadership skills by focusing on personal growth, strategic thinking, and effective team management.
It can help business owners and leaders to become more aware of themselves, their strengths, weaknesses, blind spots and their leadership style. Developing emotional intelligence leads to better decision-making and stronger relationships. Coaching can also help to develop their communication and effectiveness as a leader.
What are some of the common themes / issues business owners need help with?
Because entrepreneurs and owners are often busy with the day-to-day running of their business, many don’t have a business plan. Or they do have one, but it’s outdated and buried in a file somewhere. They’re so busy working in the business - focused on sales or constantly firefighting - that they struggle to find the time to work on their business.
Coaching gives them the space to step back and look at their business and themselves objectively; assessing where they are now, why they’re there, and what they truly want for the future. A business coach will guide them to explore new opportunities, identify areas for improvement, and create a clearer path forward.
A common challenge I see right now is confidence - whether it’s putting yourself out there on social media, speaking in public, or networking. Through mindset work, identity shifts, and cognitive restructuring, business coaches can help people overcome these barriers so they can step into their full potential.
How does external, third-party business coaching differ from advice and guidance entrepreneurs and business owners might receive from friends/family?
There are quite a few differences. Coaching offers an unbiased perspective and offers insights based on business experience and proven strategies. Friends and family often bring in their own personal feelings or a low risk tolerance, which might not align to the entrepreneur’s needs or capabilities.
A coach can combine business strategy and use proven coaching tools and techniques to aid business growth, whereas friends and family’s advice may typically be based on personal opinions or general experiences rather than structured guidance.
A coach holds business owners accountable for setting and achieving goals, ensuring progress is tracked and challenges are addressed. Friends and family may not consistently challenge the entrepreneur to take action or track their progress effectively.
Business coaching also provides a confidential space where entrepreneurs can discuss fears, failures, and ambitions without judgment. They may be hesitate to share challenges fully with friends and family - fearing judgment, discouragement, or unwanted emotional reactions.
Coaches push business owners beyond their comfort zones and encourage personal and professional development. Advice from friends and family can often lean toward caution and emotional protection rather than bold, strategic growth.
Ultimately, a business coach provides structured, expert guidance with accountability, whereas friends and family offer emotional support and personal opinions. Both have value, but they serve very different roles in an entrepreneur’s journey.
For someone new to business coaching, what can they expect at their first meeting?
The first step is about building rapport and understanding the objectives for coaching. The focus then moves to the business itself and how it’s performing. To do that, I usually start by reviewing the business plan with the owner/entrepreneur. If a business plan isn’t in place, it’s about gathering key information to build a clear picture.
The next phase is about exploring any challenges they’re facing and discussing their vision for the future. From there, you can identify areas for improvement, and the client can set their own goals to work on over the next month.
Business owners can often be hesitant to take a particular step, so it’s about helping them step out of their comfort zone and challenging any limiting beliefs that may be holding them back.
The real magic of coaching happens when we meet again, because they’re accountable for their action points, they follow through and often surprise themselves with what they’ve achieved and how far they’ve come.
What’s the best piece of business coaching advice you’ve ever received?
Two key coaching techniques have been particularly powerful in shaping the way I coach both myself and others.
The first is the 50/50 rule, which I use every day. It challenges perfectionism by embracing the idea that we are all a mix of strengths and imperfections - 50% amazing and 50% a mess. This applies to me, you, and everyone else - as well as every situation in life. It’s a refreshing reminder that we don’t have to be perfect to be effective.
The second comes from both coaching and my background as a qualified counsellor: understanding the connection between our thoughts, feelings, and actions. Learning how to manage and neutralize unhelpful thoughts is a game-changer, allowing us to take control of our mindset and move forward with confidence.
Where can people access information on business support / business coaching in the North East Combined Authority area?
The North East Growth Hub is a great place to start. As well as the wealth of information available online, business owners and entrepreneurs can also book a free appointment with a Business Support Advisor who can signpost them to the right support and guidance.
I am an Expert in Residence for the BIPC North East and Northumberland Small Business Service and businesses in Newcastle, Sunderland, Gateshead, South Shields and Northumberland can receive 12 hours of fully funded coaching with my company.
For this reason, I would take up this amazing opportunity of free coaching! Many people are unsure what coaching is, so this gives them a taste of the impact it can make on your personal development and business growth. For business owners in other areas to those I’ve mentioned, I would approach your local network or business groups for recommendations, or approach someone in your sector for a coach who knows your industry well.
What attracted you to becoming a Business Coach and Life Coach?
I started my career in PR and marketing, working in agencies and for the local newspaper group, Reach Plc. After receiving coaching myself, I gained the confidence to take the leap and set up my own PR company, which I successfully ran for 18 years. That experience opened my eyes to the power of coaching.
I had always been drawn to coaching, naturally guiding many of my PR clients, so, I decided to formally train in coaching and Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), initially intending it as an add-on to my business. But the more I learned, the more passionate I became, and I knew I wanted to transition into coaching full-time.
Like many others, lockdown became a pivotal moment. I decided to set the coaching business up.
Coaching is truly transformational - I’ve experienced it firsthand and see its impact every day in my clients’ personal and business growth. Coaching is like a secret weapon - it’s only when you experience it that you realise its power.
For me, there’s nothing more rewarding than helping people unlock their potential and move forward with confidence.