
Case studies, fact sheets and interviews offering hints, tips, and inspiration to help your business grow. 

From 7 May 2024, the North East Growth Hub is a project of the North East Combined Authority. We may still refer to "the North East Local Enterprise Partnership" (or "the North East LEP") in some of our older articles. 

Business start-up case study: Gary Giles, founder of OGEL

Since completing the High Potential Start-ups programme, OGEL founder, Gary Giles, has appeared on Dragons’ Den and secured investment for the only patented building system in the world that uses recycled plastic. We talked to Gary about the company’s ongoing growth and his plans to make OGEL a proud North East business.

OGEL has had a very busy year, one of the highlights being appearing on BBC One’s Dragons’ Den. What was that experience like?

Taking part in Dragons’ Den was an amazing experience, and completely unlike what you see on the TV. You’re actually quizzed by the Dragons for two solid hours, but you only see 10 minutes of that on TV.

After the investment you received from Dragon’s Den, OGEL also ran a successful crowdfunding campaign. How will those investments support OGEL’s growth plans?

For those that didn’t see our episode of Dragon’s Den, we secured a £50,000 investment offer for 10% of the business from Sara Davies MBE and Tej Lalvani.

We later decided not to take the investment from the Dragons, and instead launch a crowdfunding campaign to generate the funding we needed to grow the business. This has allowed us to work with like-minded people who really share our long-term vision for OGEL.

We raised more than £200,000, which has allowed us to take on new staff, secure new premises, and invest in new equipment. It’s really helped the overall growth of the business.

How has the business changed since your successful appearance on Dragons’ Den?

Well we started as a team of one – me! We’re now a team of five with more people joining soon.

How important is it for OGEL to be recognised as a brand from the North East?

It’s very important for us to be seen as a North East company. Without the support we received from various individuals and organisations in the region, we would have struggled to build the business.

Access to funding has been really important, as has access to expertise and advice. It’s also really helped that the North East is a major hub for advanced manufacturing too.

Looking back at your experience of starting and growing a business, is there anything you would do differently?

I think there are lots of little things that I might do differently, but that’s all part of the growing experience. In hindsight, going for investment earlier could have been beneficial.

Did you seek out any help or information about starting a business?

Yes, we spoke to the various business support and finance and funding agencies, like NEL Fund Managers and the North East Growth Hub. We also received a lot of help from the Innovation SuperNetwork.

The funding advice we received was very helpful as we’re a capital-intensive business. We also received a lot of help from South Tyneside Council, and the High Potential Startups programme was very good in taking us in the right direction.

What advice would you give to other entrepreneurs in the North East?

Sound your idea out with people that will be critical, and that’s not always family and friends. You need to speak to someone that will give you an honest appraisal.

What’s been the most exciting part of the OGEL journey so far?

For me, seeing our first building go up in North London. Looking at that finished job was an amazing feeling.

But there have been lots of major milestones for the business. Of course getting invest offers from two Dragons was very exciting!

And what’s been the worst?

There’s a lot of anxiety when you start your own business. You worry if you’re on the right track, and if you have a good product. The worst thing is probably the anxiety of going through a steep learning curve in a short space of time.

Do you think the North East is a good place to start and grow a business?

I do, very much so. There is a good support network in place here, and I hope that continues as we transition away from European funding to the UK Shared Prosperity Fund.

The North East has been brilliant for us.

To find out more about OGEL visit For support with your own new business, visit our startups toolkit.