Citylife Business Support Grant

Citylife Business Support Grant is available to businesses within Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead and Sunderland to support businesses to grow and adapt to the challenging conditions that many are currently facing.

Business support Start-up Trading business Newcastle upon Tyne Sunderland Becoming Net Zero Gateshead Customers Finance Leadership Markets People and skills Products and services Operations

Register for this scheme

    This scheme is provided by Business & IP Centre

    Business & IP Centre

      Citylife Business Support is available to businesses within Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead, Sunderland and Northumberland* supporting them to grow and adapt to the challenging conditions that many are currently facing. The support is aimed at helping businesses to adapt to these new challenges, increase business resilience, create and safeguard jobs.

      *BIPC North East, Northumberland Small Business Service and NBSL are working together to provide up to 12 hours of fully funded expert support. If you are a Northumberland-based business go to, in the first instance, to register your business, stating that you are interested in their Technical Support offer. One of their Rural Business Advisors will contact you to discuss your needs and to explain next steps.

      Business & IP Centre North East provides a grant to businesses to fully fund support provided by BIPC’s Experts in Residence Citylife Experts, helping them to grow and implement new models of delivery, equipping them to compete in our challenging economic climate and plan for their future. Eligible SMEs (Small or Medium-sized Enterprises) can access up to twelve hours of free support from BIPC North East Experts.

      Eligible SMEs (Small or Medium-sized Enterprises) can access:

      • Up to twelve hours of fully funded support from BIPC North East Citylife Experts.
      • Workshops tailored to specific business needs.
      • A free events programme based on current business challenges, the funding landscape, resilience, and innovation

      Citylife Business Support is a legacy project from the North of Tyne Combined Authority and is now funded by the North East Combined Authority.

      Who can apply?

      • Be a small or medium-sized enterprise.
      • Must be based within the Local Authority boundaries of Newcastle upon Tyne, Gateshead or Sunderland.
      • If you are based within Newcastle East High Streets project area – you can see the area covered at this link: Newcastle High Streets | Commonplace) – you must be looking for support to safeguard existing jobs or create new jobs within the business.

      To be classed as an SME a business must meet the following criteria:

      • Average number of employees during a financial year must not exceed 250.
      • Annual Turnover must not exceed £36m.
      • Balance Sheet total must not exceed £18m.

      What support can I get?

      BIPC North East’s Citylife Experts are available to provide twelve hours of fully-funded advice tailored to individual needs. This could be one-to-one advice and support, delivered online or in person, or it could be a project or piece of work that they would carry-out on your behalf.

      Businesses can draw on the experience of more than 40 experts who can support them to re-position their business activities. Advice ranges from digital and online capabilities, business finance and cash flow, access to new contracts and market opportunities, employment law, continuity planning, introducing green or sustainable aspects to your business, and re-focusing business operations.

      All Experts offer at least one free initial session, however, through the Citylife Business Support Project, you can access up to twelve hours of additional fully funded support. You can receive support from one Expert, or split your 12 hours between up to two Experts. The service is flexible, providing access to a range of experts to suit the needs of your business.

      Who are the Citylife experts?

      The Citylife Experts are small businesses or business support organisations who have worked in partnership with BIPC North East, through the Centre’s Experts-in-Residence programme, or have delivered and supported workshops and events organised by BIPC North East.

      See the experts-in-residence

      How do I apply?

      Click the link below for more information and to access instructions on how to apply.

      Talk to one of our team who will help you connect to the support you need to grow and develop your business.

      if your local authority isn't listed above, you can view details of how to get in touch with your local Growth Hub