Register for this scheme
This scheme is provided by Generator the business of creativity
Create:Elevate will equip start ups and creative businesses with the tools, knowledge and confidence to continue growing audiences and develop their businesses for years to come.
Generator have partnered with Transmit Startups’ Smarta strand, a business with a track record of funding, supporting and training local startup businesses, and North Tyneside Council, to create a range of support and training geared exclusively towards cultural and creative businesses based in North Tyneside as part of the North Shields Cultural Quarter
Developing a successful business isn’t necessarily all about growth or profit, but about identifying ways to sustainably support and grow your audience and community, to keep business coming back time and time again.
At Generator, we understand what it’s like to be a small creative business because we are one. For over 30 years we’ve been striving to support a sustainable creative industry here in the region.
What support is on offer?
The programme will support a minimum of 60 North Tyneside based businesses, entrepreneurs or enterprises with 12 hours of targeted support, training and mentorship.
Delivered in the heart of the North Shields Cultural Quarter, we’ve gathered a team of industry experts who will join these businesses on their journey, providing a fascinating insight into the creative industries.
Whether its help with raising funding, navigating paperwork and responsibilities as a business owner, growing your audience or expanding your creativity and innovation, our team of experts will be on hand to help.
Who is eligible?
Businesses must be registered in North Tyneside.
Any business fitting the DCMS definition of a cultural or creative business. If your business operates in one of the following sectors you’re likely eligible.
Eligible Sectors
Advertising and marketing, Architecture, Crafts, Design and designer fashion, Film, TV, video, radio and photography, IT, software and computer services, Publishing, Museums, Galleries and Libraries and Music, performing and visual arts.
If you’re unsure if you’ll be eligible, contact the team and they’ll see if you’re a good fit.