Register for this scheme
This scheme is provided by Innovation SuperNetwork on behalf of North Tyneside Council’s The Business Factory

Free one-to-one support and mentoring for growing businesses which have been trading for more than 12 months in North Tyneside.
This programme delivered on behalf of The Business Factory aims to help businesses across North Tyneside grow their business, increase productivity through processes, bring products and services to market, reach new markets, and/or increase turnover.
The programme includes one-to-one consultancy and mentoring support, providing tailored help to tackle the problem areas limiting your business development, including:
- Business strategy
- Marketing
- Recruitment
- Financial management & access to finance
- Intellectual property, productivity & innovation
- Access to new markets
- NetZero & environmental sustainability
- Property matters.
The team can work with you free of charge on one or more of these areas. Get in touch today to find out if you are eligible.
The GROW programme is delivered by Innovation SuperNetwork on behalf of North Tyneside Council’s The Business Factory; the project is funded by the UK Government through the UK Shared Prosperity Fund with the North East Combined Authority as the lead authority.