Register for this scheme
The Supply Chain Sunderland project will strengthen Sunderland's local entrepreneurial ecosystem by improving business resilience and growth, boosting survival rates, driving innovation, and enhancing market readiness for new supply chain opportunities.
Assistance will be provided to Sunderland SMEs in the manufacturing and service sectors to:
- Assess core capabilities and strengths.
- Identify areas for productivity enhancement, resilience building, and innovation.
- Access opportunities to grow market share and diversify income.
Delivery Strands
Strand 1: Awareness Raising
- "Meet the Buyer" events for sectors like Aerospace, Defence, Rail, and Energy.
- Online 'Supply Chain Exchange'.
- Sector-specific events with partners like NEPO, NOF Energy, NEPIC, and MAKE UK.
Strand 2: Account Management, Diagnostic, and Action Planning
- Capability review, market summary, growth aspirations, new market opportunities, and GAP analysis.
Strand 3: Low Intensity Support
- Interventions, events, and workshops on global supply chain trends, procurement, industry standards, bid writing, and innovation management.
- Sunderland SMEs in the manufacturing and service sectors.
Contact Lesley Hawke for further information or express your interest here.